The Californian Diet

Dr. Connie Guttersen, a registered dietician, created the Californian Diet, or Sonoma Diet. Dr. Guttersen based the diet on a coastal California way of living, blending simple and flavorful ingredients, similar to the Mediterranean diet. The Californian diet promises a trimmer waist in just 10 days and allows you to eat a variety of foods but in strict portion sizes. Consult your physician before starting any diet.

Wave 1
In the first phase of the Californian Diet, you concentrate on weight loss. This period, called wave 1, last for 10 days and you focus on reducing your dependence on sugar and white flour. Your breakfast should contain 25 percent grain and 75 percent protein, or cereal and milk in equal portions. Your breakfast plate should be 18 inches in diameter. Your lunch should be 60 percent vegetables with 40 percent protein. Dinner consists of 20 percent cereal, 30 percent protein and 50 percent vegetables. Lunch and dinner plates should be 23 inches in diameter.
Wave 2
During this phase, you focus on maintaining your weight loss. Wave 2 can last a few weeks to a few months until you reach your target weight. You continue to lose weight, but at a slower pace. You introduce more foods to your diet but still maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your breakfast remains the same as it was in wave 1. For lunch and dinner, eat 25 percent protein/dairy, 25 percent fruits, 25 percent vegetables and 25 percent grains. Along with the fruit and dairy addition, you can add wine and chocolate in small quantities.
Wave 3
Wave 3 is the maintenance phase after you have reached your target weight. During the previous two phases, you replaced bad eating habits with healthier alternatives. Your goal during the final phase is to continue to eat healthy. Although you can begin to add some indulgences back into your menu, such as desserts and snacks, you continue to keep portions small and to eat the same basic ratios as you did in the previous phase.
Twelve Power Foods
You should add the top twelve power foods in your diet daily, according to the Californian Diet. These foods include vegetables such as tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli and spinach. Fruits like blueberries, citrus, grapes and strawberries are part of the list. The power foods also include almonds, beans, whole grains and olive oil. Try to incorporate these foods in your diet as much as possible in order to lose weight. The book, “The New Sonoma Diet,” can provide you with recipes, diet plans and sample menus.