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    What Gym Equipment Burns the Most Fat?

    Joining a gym can feel overwhelming once you step through the doors and survey the seemingly endless array of exercise equipment. Although each piece of equipment can contribute to a strong, healthy body, set your sights on the machines that provide a cardiovascular workout if you're anxious to lose weight. Cardio machines burn calories -- which is integral to weight loss -- at various rates.

    Spinning class workout (Image: hamburguesaconqueso/iStock/Getty Images)

    Pedal or Run for a Fast Burn

    People working out next to high rise window (Image: IT Stock/Polka Dot/Getty Images)

    Although the intensity at which you use any cardio machine dictates how quickly you'll burn calories, pedaling a stationary bike and running on a treadmill provide the fastest calorie burn. Data from Harvard Health Publications indicates that a 155-pound person burns around 391 calories during a 30-minute stationary bike workout at a vigorous pace and 372 calories running at 6 mph for 30 minutes. The ski machine, elliptical trainer, rowing machine and stair climber burn calories at slower rates.

    Each Machine Can Play a Role in Fat Loss

    Man using elliptical cross training machine (Image: Ivanko_Brnjakovic/iStock/Getty Images)

    If you're anxious to burn enough calories to achieve a caloric deficit and lose some weight, you don't necessarily have to pick the machine that burns calories the quickest. If you have joint or back pain, the impact you'll experience while running on the treadmill can be painful. Instead, a low-impact machine such as the stationary bike or elliptical trainer can be suitable. Additionally, consider the length of your workout. For example, if you can only run for 15 minutes but have no trouble using the rowing machine for 45 minutes, the rowing machine can be a better choice.