Foods High in Magnesium Chloride
Magnesium chloride is a supplement that is used to help treat individuals who are suffering from magnesium deficiencies. The supplement can help muscle, nerve, heart and bone health; women over age 30 need 320 mg per day while men over age 30 need 420 mg per day. It is possible to obtain magnesium chloride in your regular diet through smart dietary choices. To increase magnesium levels in your body, it is necessary to choose foods that are high in both magnesium and magnesium chloride.
According to the Linus Pauling Institute, grains are quite high in magnesium and magnesium chloride. This is particularly true for unrefined and unprocessed grains. Oat bran, shredded wheat and brown rice all serve as magnesium sources, with 100 percent bran cereal and oat bran providing the highest levels, at 93.1 mg and 96 mg per 1/2-cup serving, respectively.
Nuts and Legumes
Nuts and legumes can be good sources of magnesium chloride and magnesium in the diet. Examples of nuts that provide magnesium include almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts. Nuts are measured for magnesium content by the ounce, with almonds containing 78 mg per ounce, peanuts containing 48 mg per ounce and hazelnuts containing 46 mg per ounce in their raw form. On the legumes side, the Office of Dietary Supplements notes that beans such as baked beans and lentils, which are measured in 1/2-cup servings, contain around 10 percent of the RDA for magnesium.
Dark, Leafy Vegetables
Dark leafy vegetables are a good source of magnesium chloride and magnesium for the body. This is due to the presence of the chlorphyll molecule in the veggies, which contains magnesium. The best dark green vegetables to eat for magnesium include spinach and Swiss chard, which both contain 20 percent of the RDA for magnesium per ½-cup serving. Okra is another vegetable choice for a magnesium source, though it only contains about 47 mg per ½-cup serving, enough for just over 10 percent of the RDA.
For a meat that is high in magnesium chloride and provides 20 percent of the RDA of magnesium per serving, turn to fish. The top choice is halibut, which contains 90 mg of magnesium per 3-oz. serving.