How to Resume Exercise With a Sore Adductor

Runners, athletes and yogis all risk straining their adductor muscles by overusing them. A pulled muscle in the inner thigh can be deeply painful and prevent people from performing simple daily activities, let alone exercising. To get back to working out after an adductor injury, rest the muscle, stretch it and ice it. If you work out on an injured leg, you risk further damage to the muscle, so wait until you are fully healed before you return to your usual exercise routine.

Step 1
Ice a fresh injury every three to four hours for 20 to 30 minutes. Continue this regimen for the first two or three days after pulling the muscle.
Step 2
Take an anti-inflammatory to reduce or prevent swelling. Talk to your doctor or a sports medicine professional about whether this is a good treatment option for you, what specifically to take and how often to take it.
Step 3
Wear a thigh bandage to apply compression to the adductor muscle. This helps you rest the muscle and avoid further injury during daily activities.
Step 4
Stretch the muscle gently when it begins to heal. Lie on the floor on your back with your legs extended, and then bend the injured leg. Lift the knee so it is over your hip, and let it fall open to the side, stretching the adductor muscle. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. If this hurts, don't do it.
Step 5
Rest your adductor muscle as much as you can until you can perform daily activities without pain. Return to your exercise routine when you have regained full range of motion and strength in the injured leg and you can walk comfortably.
Things You'll Need
Ice packs
Anti-inflammatory medicine
Thigh bandage
Follow your doctor's or physical therapist's recommendations for treatment. Prevent adductor injuries by stretching the muscles before and after exercise.
Don't attempt to exercise with an injured adductor muscle.