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    What Foods Boost Testosterone

    As men age, testosterone levels begin to diminish. This can result in a host of symptoms, including reduced muscle strength, depression, erectile dysfunction, weight gain and lack of sex drive. Elevate your testosterone levels naturally through exercise and consuming foods that boost testosterone production. Foods with higher amounts of zinc and B vitamins are particularly important if you want to increase testosterone. Consult your physician or dietitian for guidance before you attempt to raise your testosterone levels with food.

    A plate of raw oysters. (Image: IvanMikhaylov/iStock/Getty Images)

    Raw Oysters

    Raw oysters contain a high amount of zinc, which will raise testosterone levels and increase sperm count, according to Remember to scrub the oysters with a soft brush and water to remove loose dirt. Pop them open with a butter knife, or oyster-shucking knife, and keep on ice until you eat them.

    Bananas and Avocado

    Bananas may not immediately come to mind when you think of testosterone, but they contain the bromelain enzyme, B vitamins and potassium, which will give your testosterone levels a boost. Avocados are rich in testosterone-friendly vitamin B6 and folic acid. Slice ripe avocados into salads or sandwiches.


    Eggs are a natural, powerful food that will increase testosterone by providing you with protein and vitamins B5 and B6. Eat the yolks as well as the white to ensure you get all of the nutrition the egg has to offer. Limit yourself to no more than a few eggs per week, as eating too many can lead to an unhealthy excess of protein in your system, especially if you also eat meat. In addition, eggs are high in cholesterol, which can lead to problems for older men.

    Red Meat

    Red meat comes to mind when people think of protein. Red meat also contains high levels of zinc, in a form that is easily absorbed by the body, according to Red meat also contains higher amounts of saturated fat, so don't be eating steak every day.


    Beans contain protein and zinc. Choose from kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas or lentils to give yourself a good dose of testosterone-boosting nutrition.

    Essential Fatty Acids

    Essential fatty acids play a role in overall health and healthy hormone production in males, says Keep raw, unprocessed almonds with you all the time and snack on about a handful each day. Any more may cause stomach upset or diarrhea, especially in older men. Some other sources of essential fatty acid include flaxseed oil and cold-water fish, such as tuna or salmon.