The Side Effects of Hair, Skin & Nails Vitamins

You may not think about it, but vitamin and mineral supplements aren't just for keeping your insides in working order--they also benefit your exterior features. The tissues of your hair, skin and nails all benefit from proper nutrition, and as a result, special vitamin blends for these features have been developed. But as with any supplement, you should take caution when using hair, skin and nails vitamins. Products such as Natrol Skin Hair Nails tend to contain dosages well beyond the recommended daily values for nutrients such as vitamins B and E, which can lead to complications. Consult your doctor before you begin any supplement regimen.

Birth Defects
Most hair, skin and nail vitamin blends contain vitamin A. As the New York Times explains, this is because vitamin A helps to build and strengthen your skin and other soft and skeletal tissues. However, The New York Times also notes that it is possible to overdose on vitamin A, and the consequences may be severe birth defects. For this reason, you may want to limit your intake of foods high in vitamin A while using a hair, skin and nail vitamin. Good sources of vitamin A include eggs, cheese, carrots, sweet potatoes and most dark, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, says The New York Times.
Skeletal Problems
Other side effects associated with vitamin A, according to the website, may affect your skeletal system and bone structure. The website notes that high vitamin A intake may be linked with slowed growth and an increased risk of bone fractures. does note that these side effects are linked with more severe forms of vitamin A overdose.
Blurred Vision
Hair, Skin and Nails vitamins may also trigger blurred vision, as at least two of the ingredients have this as a known side effect. The supplement information site lists blurred vision among the side effects of vitamin E, and notes that even mild vitamin A overconsumption can trigger blurred vision.
Upset Stomach
Another potential side effect of these vitamin blends is upset stomach. The health website Nutritional Supplements Health Guide explains that overdoses of vitamin B6 may trigger loss of appetite and upset stomach. In addition, The New York Times claims that you may feel sick after taking too much vitamin A, and lists nausea as a side effect of vitamin A.