Foods to Avoid for Nausea

Nausea is a result of a variety of conditions, including pregnancy, gastroenteritis and medication use. It is quite common for vomiting to accompany nausea in many cases, and therefore it could become potentially dangerous if not addressed by a medical professional to find the root of the problem. Avoiding certain foods can help prevent exacerbating the nausea.

Acidic Fruit
If you're experiencing nausea, especially related to the stomach flu, avoiding fruits high in acid can help reduce the need to vomit. The addition of acid to an already upset stomach causes increased stress and a higher probability of vomiting. Eating low-acid fruits, such as bananas, in lieu of citrus fruits can provide essential nutrients without encouraging nausea. Bananas are rich in both potassium and magnesium, which are especially helpful to those at risk of dehydration due to vomiting.
Greasy Foods
Gastrointestinal-related nausea, like peptic ulcers or gastritis, can be exceedingly uncomfortable. Eating greasy foods can promote this discomfort by inducing gas, poor digestion and increased acid in the stomach. Greasy foods include fatty meats and fried fare, such as french fries, fried chicken and hash browns. According to the University of California at San Francisco Medical Center, even the smell of greasy food can contribute to meal-time nausea.
Dairy Products
Dairy products may instigate episodes of nausea and vomiting, particularly for those who are unaware that they have a sensitivity to lactose. Lactose intolerance is when your body lacks the necessary enzyme to break down the compound lactose, which is present in all dairy products. Even those not lactose intolerant and suffering from gastrointestinal conditions or a viral infection should avoid dairy items, especially milk. This is due to its basic pH level, which does not offset the acid but instead increases production.