How to Get Rid of a Scalp Cyst

Sebaceous cysts are fluid filled bumps that occur on the scalp as well as the face and upper part of the body. They are also referred to as epidermoid cysts and are normally harmless growths. Treatment of these growths is best performed by a licensed dermatologist upon thorough examination to rule out other possible forms of cyst. Following your dermatologist's instructions will help eliminate cysts on the scalp and possibly give you peace of mind.

Step 1
Wear a hat when going outdoors to keep the sun's harmful UV rays from irritating the cyst. Sun exposure can worsen inflammation and tenderness at the cyst site. Using gentle shampoos and conditioners also helps prevent irritation and allows for the cyst to heal naturally.
Step 2
Opt for excision of the cyst from your dermatologist. Depending on the size of the cyst, your dermatologist can remove the cyst surgically after prepping the cyst with topical and oral treatments for three weeks prior. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are two types of excision, total excision and minimal excision. Total refers to the cyst being cut from the scalp and the skin sutured in order to heal and prevent recurrence. Minimal requires a small incision into the cyst, draining fluid and bacteria then removing the cyst wall. The incision is not sutured and heals naturally.
Step 3
Allow your dermatologist to inject corticosteroids into the cyst. These injections reduce inflammation, causing the cyst to shrink on its own as long as infection is not present.
Step 4
Take antibiotics as prescribed by your dermatologist. Antibiotics fight infection that can set up in sebaceous cysts and prevent them from returning once they are removed. Larger cysts may take more than one round of antibiotics. Finish all medication for the full treatment course.