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    Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power & Speed Exercises

    Anybody can improve his quickness, power, balance and coordination by incorporating specific exercises into his workout routine. According to John M. Cissick, "With proper training , a slow athlete can become faster, a fast athlete can become even faster, and a good athlete can become great." This type of training enhances muscle strength, endurance, stability and motor skills, developing quick reactions and the ability to move efficiently.

    A young woman is sprinting outside. (Image: fatchoi/iStock/Getty Images)

    Figure Runs

    A figure run is an agility drill that improves your footwork and quickness. Mark out three figures, such as A, B and C. Start by running around the first figure, then the second and finally the third. Have a partner time you to see how fast you can finish all three figures.

    Balance on One Leg

    Balance exercises increase your stability by activating and strengthening muscles to keep you in one position. Standing with your hands at your hips on an unstable surface with both feet, such as a balance disc or pillow, lift one foot up, bending at the knee, and hold for 10 seconds. Switch sides.

    Jump Rope

    Jumping rope can improve your coordination. You have to time your jumps to coordinate with swinging your arms with the rope. To do this exercise, jump using both feet, then one foot at time and then go at different speeds.

    Squat Jump

    To enhance your power, you can perform a squat jump. Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, elbows flexed at 90 degrees, squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground. Once you lower down into a squat position, immediately jump up with both legs, driving your arms up. Land on both feet and immediately jump back up. Keep ground contact to a minimum.

    Accelerating Sprints

    To improve your speed, perform accelerating sprints. Mark distances of 50 yards and 100 yards. Start by gradually accelerating your speed until you reach full speed by the time you reach the 50 yard marker, and then sprint until the 100 yard marker. Walk back to the start and perform the exercise again.