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    Is Edamame Safe for Children to Eat?

    Most foods that are safe for adults are also safe for children. Edamame, which is simply young soybeans, provides many nutrients and is generally safe for kids. It is important to prepare it properly, however, to avoid choking, and the amount of soy children eat each day should be limited.

    Salted edamame beans in a wooden bowl on a table. (Image: by Thomas Gasienica/Moment/Getty Images)

    Edamame Safety

    Although there are some concerns about the effects that some of the chemicals in soy can have on a developing child's health, including how they may impact puberty, edamame, along with all other soy products, is considered safe in moderation. According to "Parents" magazine, children should have a maximum of two servings of soy each day. In addition, parents should watch for signs of a soy allergy, which can cause hives, nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms in children. In severe cases, swelling of the lips, face and tongue can impair breathing. According to Food Allergy Research & Education, Inc, approximately 0.4 percent of all children are allergic to soy.

    Nutrition and Preparation

    Edamame is a good source of protein and also provides iron, manganese, riboflavin, fatty acids and fiber. Cook edamame by boiling, microwaving or steaming it. Because small foods like edamame can pose a choking hazard, be sure to cook the edamame fully and cut up any large beans into smaller bite-sized portions before giving the edamame to children. Also, be especially careful when giving edamame or other small foods to children under the age of 5, as this age group has the greatest risk of choking.