The Nutritional Facts of Crystal Light on the Go

Crystal Light makes an extensive line of drink mixes designed to give your water a little extra flavor. These include On the Go mixes, which are individual packets that can be added to a bottle of water. Flavors include grape, peach tea, fruit punch, strawberry banana and citrus splash.

The amount of calories per serving of Crystal Light On the Go varies slightly depending on the flavor. Most varieties contain 10 calories per serving, but a few, such as the Sunrise Classic Orange, are calorie free. The calories in a food or beverage are a representation of its energy content; the number of calories you should consume daily will vary depending on factors including your activity level, age, weight and whether you are trying to lose weight.
All Crystal Light On the Go drink mixes are fat free and contain no cholesterol. As a general guideline, your fat intake should be no more than 65 g if you eat 2,000 calories a day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Guide Pyramid. Saturated fat should amount to no more than one-third of your total fat intake.
Sodium content also varies slightly among flavors of Crystal Light On the Go. Many flavors, including the Energy Wild Strawberry and Raspberry Ice, contain no sodium, according to the nutrition labels. Some, including Pomegranate Cherry, contain 10 mg per serving. The highest sodium content is 35 mg per serving in the Natural Lemonade flavored drink mix.
Crystal Light On the Go drink mixes contain no carbohydrates, including sugars and dietary fiber. As a general guidelines, your daily carbohydrate content should account for 45 percent to 65 percent of your total caloric intake, according to the USDA's Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
The On the Go drink mixes also contain no protein. Protein is typically abundant in American diets, however. For this reason, the Dietary Guidelines do not set forth a daily recommended intake goal for the nutrient, the FDA reports.