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    Can Vitamin C Delay Menstruation?

    Vitamin C helps your body function in multiple ways, but it has no influence or relationship with your menstrual cycle. A number of factors could delay your period, but vitamin C is not one of them. If you're concerned about your vitamin C levels, talk to your health care provider.

    A young woman is eating an orange on the beach. (Image: John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images)

    Vitamin C

    Too much or too little vitamin C can have an impact on your body. Too much vitamin C can cause upset stomach, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. MedlinePlus defines amounts greater than 2,000 mg per day of vitamin C as too much. Too little vitamin C can cause dry and splitting hair, easy bruising, nosebleeds, rough or dry scaly skin, weakened tooth enamel, gingivitis and bleeding of the gums and a decreased ability to fight infections and heal wounds. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day for men. Consuming less than the daily recommended intake on a normal basis can lead to a vitamin C deficiency.

    Changes in a Menstrual Cycle

    Sometimes your menstrual cycle can change due to the number of days in a month. Since the number of days in a month vary slightly, this can change the timing of your cycle if you're used to starting at the beginning of each month. Over time, it could throw your period off by as much as a week. Obesity can also affect your periods, especially if you've recently gained a significant amount of weight. Significant weight loss can also have the same effect. A chemical miscarriage can also affect your menstrual cycle. A chemical miscarriage, according to the American Pregnancy Association, occurs when a pregnancy is lost shortly after implantation and a woman experiences bleeding close to her normal period. The pregnancy is lost during a chemical pregnancy and most women are never aware that they were pregnant.

    Other Causes

    Hormonal imbalances can also cause your period to be delayed. This can occur due to an infection or other health problems. Birth control contraceptives can also cause a delayed period and you may even experience spotting in between cycles until your body gets used to the contraceptive. A cyst on your ovary can affect your menstrual cycle. Too much exercise, stress and anxiety can also disrupt your normal menstrual cycle.


    If your period is late and you suspect you may be pregnant, get a pregnancy test right away. Your health care provider can determine if you're pregnant or if your period is late for other reasons. If you're beginning a new contraceptive, ask your health care provider how often you should have your period and what other menstrual side effects, such as spotting, may occur.