Can You Get Rid of Cellulite With Hormones?
If you have cellulite, chances are you've tried a few methods of getting rid of it already. Methods like diet, cardiovascular exercise, and even spot-reduction exercise may be only partially useful in addressing the lumpy, bumpy fat described as "cottage cheese." Cellulite is made up of more than just fat, reports OB/GYN Marcelle Pick in Women To Women. The fat cells comprising cellulite are actually surrounded by connective tissue known as septa. This overall grouping of tissues serves to regulate temperature, provide insulation, and provide caloric support for pregnancy and lactation. It becomes cellulite when the fat cells are too tightly compressed in the septa and push their way out. You may be surprised to learn that cellulite is partly related to hormones.
Step 1
Try progesterone supplementation. According to, the female hormone estrogen may be partially responsible for the appearance of cellulite on the skin. Estrogen serves to weaken the septa, causing the "lumpy" appearance. Estrogen may also promote increased storage of fat cells, reports A phenomenon called estrogen dominance, which is often categorized by PMS and other extreme fluctuations during the menstrual cycle, may also increase cellulite. For this reason, using a supplement or topical cream containing the opposing female hormone, progesterone, may be useful in reducing cellulite. However, progesterone is not considered a cure for cellulite.
Step 2
Discuss human growth hormone injections with a doctor. According to Marcelle Pick on Women To Women, human growth hormone, also known as HGH, has become popular among women and men seeking to rejuvenate their skin and increase lean muscle. While some data suggests that injectable HGH may thicken skin, decrease fat cells and increase muscle mass, these results do not apply to oral supplements claiming to decrease cellulite. Further studies are needed on HGH for this usage, and it is not proven as a treatment for cellulite. Pick also cautions that HGH injections may increase fasting blood sugar, and should be discussed with a doctor.
Step 3
Boost your thyroid hormones. According to, your thyroid hormones play a key role in metabolism, and can therefore affect fat storage and cellulite. Try to avoid foods that may trigger adrenal stress, such as caffeine, since these foods may disturb normal thyroid levels. Also seek a healthy hormonal balance of progesterone and estrogen, since too much estrogen in relation to testosterone can lower thyroid hormones. Finally, take supplements that may enhance thyroid production, such as selenium, folic acid and iodine, reports
Things You'll Need
Progesterone cream
Selenium, folic acid and iodine supplements
Avoid excess stress. reports that an excessive amount of the stress hormone cortisol may increase unwanted deposits of fat and cellulite.