Causes of Neck Tension and Dizziness

Neck tension and dizziness can be health complaints on their own accord, or they can be the symptoms of larger health issues. Finding either short-term or lasting relief from neck tension and dizziness depends on correctly identifying what is causing the issue so that it can be properly treated. By exploring the common causes of neck tension and dizziness, patients can take the mystery out of their symptoms and choose the right therapeutic approach.

Lifestyle Behaviors
Lifestyle behaviors and choices can cause neck tension and dizziness. BBC Health notes that individuals who stand up suddenly from a sitting or lying position may experience dizziness, and diets that lead to low blood sugar can cause this symptom. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that the way that an individuals sits and stands can cause neck tension. Poor posture in daily life or at work can affect the neck muscles and lead to neck tension.
Arthritis can cause both neck tension and dizziness. Since the arthritis may cause an individual to hold their head differently, this can result in changes in blood flow and ear fluid levels to trigger bouts of dizziness, reports BBC Health. The University of Maryland Medical Center supports this assertion, noting that awkward head positioning can lead to neck tension.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Temporomandibular joint disorder, commonly called TMJ, can cause jaw clenching and tooth grinding that can cause pain and tension to build up in the neck area. Exercise therapy or dental procedures may help with this cause of neck tension.
Changes in Blood Pressure
Many times, a change in blood pressure can result in symptoms of dizziness. According to BBC Health, dizziness that results from changes in blood pressure is usually experienced as a passing burst of dizziness. Individuals who have chronically low blood pressure are more likely to experience dizziness related to their blood pressure levels.
Viral Infections
According to BBC Health, viral infections are among the most common causes of dizziness. Viral infections contribute to symptoms of dizziness by affecting the air passages in the ears, which can become inflamed or fill with fluid, impacting perceived equilibrium. This change in perceived equilibrium can cause an individual to hold their head differently. The shift in head positioning and posture can thus cause neck tension, reports the University of Maryland Medical Center.