Dangers of the LIPO-6 Fat Burner
While diet pills such as LIPO-6 are available at any vitamin shop, big-box store or pharmacy, these products don't go through the same rigorous testing as prescription drugs, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. The makers of the pills are responsible for ensuring that they're effective and safe. That said, diet pills such as LIPO-6 should be taken with caution, and a consumer should be aware of any potential dangers. People considering adding LIPO-6 to their weight-loss plan should first consult a doctor to discuss health and safety.
Products like LIPO-6 should be taken with caution and after consulting with a physician. (Image: AndreaObzerova/iStock/Getty Images)About LIPO-6
LIPO-6 is marketed as a fat-burner. According to Nutrex Researchers, the manufacturers of the diet pill, the liquid capsule absorbs quickly into the body, helping people lose weight quickly and safely. It's recommended that two capsules be taken 30 minutes before breakfast and then another two in the afternoon, not taking more than four a day. The pills contain a short list of ingredients, including caffeine anhydrous, synephrine, guggulsterones, Bioperine and yohimbine.
Because LIPO-6 hasn't undergone testing, it's difficult to know how the combination of the ingredients in the supplement may affect someone. But there is information on the potential dangers and side effects of the ingredients individually, which may be a good indicator of safety.
Dangers of Too Much Caffeine
Two capsules of LIPO-6 contain 200 milligrams of caffeine anhydrous, which is a pharmaceutical-grade powdered form of caffeine. Taking the recommended four pills a day, a person supplementing with LIPO-6 will get 400 milligrams of caffeine a day. Moderate amounts of caffeine, about 400 milligrams a day, are considered safe, according to the American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs. People sensitive to caffeine may experience some side effects such as nervousness, anxiety or sleeplessness.
If these pills are taken in combination with other sources of caffeine, such as coffee, cola or chocolate, there is a potential risk of caffeine overdose. Excessive intake of caffeine can be dangerous and lead to breathing trouble, confusion, convulsions, rapid heartbeat, vomiting or even shock.
Safety Concerns About Synephrine
Synephrine is a substance found in plants that appears to mimic the fight-or-flight hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. For weight loss, synephrine may help increase fat-burning and metabolism and suppress appetite, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements.
However, as a stimulant, the ingredient found in LIPO-6 may not be safe for everyone. It may raise both blood pressure and heart rate and lead to serious issues such as chest pain, anxiety, heart attack, stroke and even death, according to ODS.
Synephrine is believed to be responsible for causing a 24-year-old man who was taking LIPO-6 to have a heart attack, according to a case study published in 2009 in the Texas Heart Institute Journal. The young man in the case report had no history of any heart condition.
Other Potential Side Effects
Guggulsterones are plant-based steroids that cause a decrease in appetite, which may be why they are added to diet supplements such as LIPO-6. In addition to anorexia, other side effects associated with guggulsterones include diarrhea, abdominal pain and skin rashes. People with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis shouldn't take guggulsterones.
Bioperine is a trademark name for extract of black pepper, or piperine. Although considered safe, the extract may enhance the absorption of medications, causing higher levels than normal in the blood. For safety, take LIPO-6 separate from medication. Those taking diet pills and prescription medication should first have a conversation with their doctor.
Although yohimbine is found in a number of weight-loss products, there's not much evidence to support its effectiveness for weight loss, according to ODS. The amount of yohimbine in LIPO-6 is low and considered safe, but there are concerns when taken in high amounts, as it may cause headaches, high blood pressure, heart attack or death.