Turmeric and a Blocked Sinus

Blocked sinuses, or nasal congestion, are caused by nasal inflammation. The sinuses are composed of sensitive soft tissue that is easily irritated by allergens, environmental factors, and bacteria and viruses, according to MedlinePlus. When the sinuses become inflamed, they block your ability to breathe normally through your nose. Turmeric is a spice, and is commonly used in curry dishes for flavor. Turmeric has shown anti-inflammatory and decongestant, or stimulant, properties in clinical studies, according to Drugs.com.

Nasal Congestion
When the nasal tissue becomes inflamed as a result of sinusitis, the airways are blocked, trapping excess mucus in the sinuses. The trapped mucus creates the perfect environment for the growth of bacteria and viruses. Trapped mucus is stagnant, warm and moist and places excessive pressure on the surrounding areas of your head. Nasal congestion is caused by allergies, the common cold or the flu, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. If you experience nasal congestion for more than 10 days, call your doctor.
The effects of blocked sinuses are sinus infections and sinus headaches. Sinus infections can lead to adverse symptoms, such as a low-grade fever, body chills, loss of taste and smell, and thick, discolored discharge. Sinus headaches are the result of pressure throughout the head from inflamed sinuses. Sinus headaches can cause pain in the temples, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, teeth and forehead. The headaches are typically dull, throbbing and constant.
Turmeric Treatment
Turmeric for medicinal purposes is usually taken in daily doses of 0.5 to 3 grams, according to Drugs.com. Your doctor will recommend the right dose for you, taking into consideration your medical condition. Turmeric has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling in the sinus cavities. The herbal supplement is also a stimulant that will act as a natural decongestant, alleviating sinus pressure and pain.
Side Effects
Turmeric in higher doses may cause gastric side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, according to Drugs.com. You may experience an allergic reaction to the herbal supplement, although this is rare. If you develop symptoms such as hives, shortness of breath or lightheadedness, stop taking the supplement and call your doctor immediately.
Other Treatments
Blocked sinuses can also be treated with common over-the-counter medications. Decongestants help to reduce inflammation in the sinuses by restricting blood flow to the nasal cavities, according to MedlinePlus. Pain relievers are used to alleviate minor pain associated with sinus headaches. Antihistamines may be used if the blocked sinus are related to allergies.