How to Increase Blood Circulation & Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite describes the fatty deposits that most often occur on the hips, buttocks and thighs and create a dimply, orange-peel effect. One of the main causes of cellulite is poor circulation, the Healthy Exercise World website reports, which reduces essential nutrients to the area and weakens the skin's connective tissue. This is what causes the broken or dimpled appearance. There are no magical cures for cellulite, but a healthy diet, good skin-care routine and regular exercise can help reduce its appearance.

Body Brushing
Regularly brush your skin to increase the flow of blood to the skin's surface, the Women Fitness website suggests. This ensures that nutrients reach the surface area for healthy skin renewal. Brush dry or damp skin using a body brush with firm, but not overly coarse, bristles. Start at one end of your body -- either the head or the feet -- and brush the skin in sweeping motions toward the heart. The Natural Health Techniques website recommends you avoid broken skin. Apply less pressure on sensitive areas, such as the chest and neck. Brush your skin once a day.
Light Cardiovascular Exercise
The important thing when doing cardiovascular exercise for cellulite reduction is not to exercise too hard or fast, but to maintain a steady pace over a reasonable period of time, the Woman Junction website advises. This will ensure you keep your heart pumping and muscles working long enough to start burning fat. You'll maintain a steady breathing rate which will increase the amount of oxygen you take in and further aid circulation. Walk at a reasonable pace for as long as you can without feeling exhausted, but aim to increase your pace and duration as your fitness improves.
Eating Healthy
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) note that even though your genes may play a part in whether or not you have cellulite, your diet is another factor to consider. NIH recommends that you eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber and stay hydrated with plenty of fluids to avoid developing cellulite. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a healthy diet also includes whole grains, low-fat dairy products, seafood and lean meats. Eat fewer foods processed foods and foods high in salt, saturated fast, trans fats, cholesterol and added sugars.